The Importance of Affirmations

Did you know how easy it is to instill positivity into our lives by just doing a small practice of affirmations daily? 
Affirmations are positive thoughts that aid in overcoming and deflecting negative emotions and thoughts; it helps us change our mindset to think in a more constructive manner. They rewire the way our brain thinks, in terms of working towards our long-term goals and achievements and is possibly the easiest way to discard sabotaging emotions, as it makes you feel happier and take control over how you choose to feel. This act of repetitive, positive, and nurturing “self-talk” makes you determine to reach your goals and most importantly, it teaches you to love yourself even more. 


It is important to reiterate these daily, to see a difference!

Easy ways to remember your affirmations:

  • Writing them on post-its or sticky notes
  • Using them as wallpapers or screensavers
  • Having frames or accessories with positive quotes
  • Maintaining a small diary
  • Listening to guided meditations

Take out 10 minutes of your day to listen to a guided morning meditation on affirmations by Great Mediation.

Watch here


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